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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Privacy policy / legal information

Information on display

All data displayed on Open in Galway is business information, collected from publicly available sources.   This includes data elements which may relate to individual (eg phone numbers, contact names), which are used in relation and as identifiers of the business.  All images used on the site are obtained by site-owners, and every effort is made to avoid including images of individuals or any other individual data  in them.

Reasonable efforts are made to ensure that information is accurate and fit for purpose.   However this cannot be guaranteed, especially in an environment where rapid operational changes are required of businesses.

Information about newsletter subscribers

Information is collected on this website for the purpose of distributing newsletters of information about businesses operating in Galway.    It is collected, stored and managed using a email-management service (currently Mailchimp) which has a GDPR-compliant privacy policy.   It is used only for the purpose for which is is collected, and is not shared with third parties except as required by law or for the operation of newsletter distribution.   It is disposed of, using tools provided by the email management service, either on request of the information subject, or cecessation of the

Information about social media channel subscribers

Social media channels  associated with this website  have GDPR-colmpliant privacy policies.  Information about subscibers ("fans", "likes", "followers" etc) to such channels is collected, stored, managed, and disposed of according to these policies, and used only for purposes associated wit this website.  

Information about website visitors

All web servers, including the ones that host OpenInGalway, store information about visitors, including (at least) IP address, browser and its configuration, the date and time of the visit and and details about how the visitor reached the site (from a referring page, or using what search-keywords).

This data is collected, stored, used, managed and disposed of for administration and maintenance purposes, and provides site-managers with information about what site visitors are interested in. It is also used for administration and site-maintenance, and for promoting the site to potential advertisers. It cannot personally identify visitors to this site, so is not considered as personal information.

Users who leave comments are required to be logged in, and may (but are not required to) leave personally identifying information. The only information that is collected or stored by OpenInGalway is the login account that is provided by the comment-er, which is used only to respond to the comment(s) left, and non personally identifying business information which they provide.

This site may use cookies to store data about visitor's preferences and history in order to provide better service and to present him/her with customized content.

Advertising partners, like Adsense and affiliates like Amazon, may also use cookies, scripts and/or web beacons to track visitors, so they can display relevant advertisements and other useful information. Such tracking is done directly by the advertisers with their own servers and is controlled by their own privacy policies.

You can disable cookies in your browser settings if you have privacy concerns. It is not recommended to do this for all sites is not recommended, because it may cause problems with the way you prefer to use some sites. Instead, it's better to disable or enable cookies on a per-site basis. See your web-browser(s) documentation for information about blocking cookies and other tracking mechanisms.
Advertisements served by Google, Inc., and affiliated companies may be controlled using cookies. These let Google display ads based on your visits to this site and others that use Google advertising services. Learn how to opt out of Google's cookie usage. Tracking done by Google is subject to Google's privacy policies. When users visit an AdSense publisher’s website and view or click an ad, a cookie may be put on the user’s browser. Data from these cookies is used to help AdSense better serve and manage the ads on this site and others. You can opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy.

For more information

Queries about this policy should be sent to:

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